Register to access your account online

Find your policy

Please enter your Last name as it appears on your policy and/or contract.


Please enter your home Zip Code.


What if I have more than one policy/contract?

If you have multiple policies/contracts with Horace Mann, enter any one of your annuity contracts, auto, property, or life policy numbers to register. Once you successfully log in, you will be able to view all of your policies/contracts.

Need help? Give us a call.

Call 866-588-3797 Monday through Friday from 7 AM to 7 PM CDT

Create your log in

We're updating your payment experience!

Temporarily, we're redirecting users to Quick Pay to complete single policy payments. You will need the policy number and zip code of the policy to complete payment.

We're updating your payment experience!

We apologize for the inconvenience. To make a payment/contribution call us at 855-277-1280.


You are not authorized to submit a payment.
